Monday, January 15, 2007

The revenge of the Shia

( Muqtada Sadr)

Outrage could be the word to summarize the reaction of Arabs and Muslims across the Arab world and beyond to Saddam's gruesome execution by the Iraqi Shia leadership.

Images of Saddam being taunted as he was being led to his death by men loyal to Muqtada Sadr, leader of anti-Arab and Muslim death squads were audible and broadcasted across the Arab world on Aljazeera and on the internet.

Later on it was revealed by Iraqi sources that Muqtada himself was present at the execution along with Muwafaq Rubie, who allegedly was the one who taped Saddam's execution on his cell phone. Rubie is the national security adviser to Nouri Maliki.

Despite the fact that the Iraqi law says that the president and/or his vice president should sign the death warrant of Saddam and that the condemned should not be executed on a holiday.

But It was the Prime Minister, however, Nouri Maliki, who signed off on Saddam execution and sent him into the hands of the feared death squads of the Mahdi Army on a revered Muslim holiday.

The presence of non-government personal at the execution were clear violations of the new Iraqi law put forth to govern the Iraqis by Paul Bremer the former American ruler of Iraq.

The irony of all this was that the Iraqi Shia's leadership has committed exactly the same atrocities they accused Saddam of, and by some accounts it has committed in the span of 3 years far more crimes, mass murder, and religious and ethnic cleansing against Muslims and Arabs in Iraq, than the entire Baath party rule of Iraq which lasted over 35 years.

For example, according to US figures and press reports, Muqtada Sadr's Shia Army has killed thousands of Arabs and Muslim Iraqis,and acts of rape, and blowing up of Mosques were the bread and butter of the Mahdi Army.

Press accounts has also reported that Iraqi PM has asked and gotten the permission of the Shia religious class. Men like Ali Sistani, the Iranian religious leader who exerts an almost total control over Iraq. Sistani's power is such that no current Iraqi official can take a major step without consulting with the Iranian Ayatollah, thus making him a de facto ruler of the new Iraq.

In the midst of Shias boisterous celebrations over the execution of Saddam, Iraqi PM Maliki and other Shia leaders were quick to declare that they hoped for a closure and that the execution was necessary for Iraq to move forward!

The problem with Malikià assertions, however, is that Saddam had been in Jail for three years and Iraq had moved forward ever since Iraqi Shia changed its national character from a national state, that is an Arab and a Muslim one, into just a Shia state, anti Arab and anti Muslim. A state bent on revenge and destruction so as to hasten the return of the Mahdi,a messianic figure, who will come back at the end of days.

According to Shia political theology, Imam Mahdi is the 12th and the last descendent of Imam Ali and will reappear at the end of days to rule Earth with Justice, and restore the rule of the Shia over all others. Imam Mahdi, according to the historical record, was 8 years old when he disappeared.

As fr as the popular sentiments across the Arab and Muslim world, the feelings were those of a great insult and trauma in that to see a former head of an Arab state being treated in such humiliating manner and hanged in a manner of pure act of vengeance, not Justice. Despite that Saddam did not have many people in the Arab world who thought kindly of him. But the way he was executed by his Shia executioners were repulsive enough to instill anti-Shia sentiments across the Arab and Muslim world.

The ramifications of this, in historic terms, would be in the way Shias will be viewed and treated in other countries were they are minorities in places such as Pakistan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.

Its worth noting that it was only Iran, Israel, Hezbollah and Australia who cheered and supported the manner of Saddam execution.

The US government,and George Bush himself had rebuked the Iraqi government over its handling of Saddam's execution.

For Iraqi Shias, however, It was a sense of maximum triumphalism, The feelings as seen on TV screens across the Arab world, were almost as if they were killing the ancient Muslim ruler Muawaieh, a reviled figure in Shia religious thought and who and Imam Ali fought over political power in the 7th century.

Imam Ali, a member prophet Mohammad clan and his son-in-law, Shias hold that he and his sons were appointed by God to rule over all Muslims and by extension over Planet Earth.

Those ancient anti-Muslim, anti Arab sentiments were expressed by many Iraqi officials. Sadeq Mousawi an Iraqi PR official,based in London, declared on Aljazeera, on the Opposite Direction show, in the week after the execution, that Iraq will always remain an Alid ( or Aliwite) state in other words Mousawi was saying Iraq is now finally a Shia state, a non-Muslim, non Arab state.

Despite that Shiaism was a political movement in its origins which in later on acquired a theology and intellectual argument centuries after the death of Ali and his sons Hasan and Hussein.

Interestingly,Mousawi statement has revealed yet another famous Shia doctrine,that is Concealment in that Shias are authorized according to their religious beliefs to lie and conceal their true motives and opinion. The Arabic word for this doctrine is Taqiyya.

Surly Saddam's regime did not accord any shred of dignified death to his countless innocent victims, Shias and Sunnis, nor did he have any mercy over his subjects, but the New Iraq was born, supposedly,to rid the country and Iraqis from the same legacy they are committing now. Acts of terrorism, rape and murder in the name of Ali and Hussein are being committed on daily basis in Iraq.

Interesting facts about Saddam's execution:

It's worth noting that Saddam place of execution was the headquarters of Fifth Military intelligence Unit, which in his days was responsible for anti-Iranian counter intelligence, and espionage operations in Iraq. In other words the choice of this place was intended to extract an Iranian revenge up to the last minute of his life. And why not, The Iraqi Shia political and religious ruling class according to Arab press, is more or less an extension of Iran. Most of the current Iraqi Shia leadership,had lived, trainedequippedd andfinancedd by Iran before they assumed power in Iraq.

Ali Sistani,the Ayatollah sitting in Najaf and who hold the biggest power in Iraq is such example and could with few words move hordes of men into certain death to achieve his goals. For Ali Sistani, who was born in Iran, and Identifies himself with it has refused an Iraqi citizenship when it was offered to him when the Shias finally took over Iraq.

For him, his Iraqi followers are just Shia, niether Iraqis nor Arabs. (Hence his refusal to endorse a coalition of Iraqi political coalition that spans ethnic and sectarian lines, his explanation for his refusal was that such an Iraqi alliance would undermine the Shias monopoly of power)

What's next?
Iraq today is a failed state, ravaged by terrorism, sectarian mass murder and official corruption and plunder of state resources. The end for all this is not clear, Shia death squads roam the streets of Baghdad killing men and women based on their names and identity cards. While Sunni militants and terrorists are murdering innocent Shias.

But whats clear, however, is that the Iraqi government is not doing anythingmeaninfulll to stop this insanity, worst, thisgovernmentt is often times is seen as a willing participant and an accomplice in the frenzy of murder and destruction.

Sunni and Shia Iraqis who were just few years ago each other's neighbor and their fellow Iraqi citizen,today, thanks to the new rulers of Iraq, are murdering each other day and night.

( Iraq's Iranian Ayatollah Ali Sistani)